วันพุธที่ 8 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Own A Keyword Based Marketing System

Own A Keyword Based Marketing System
Search Ad Brokers is funding the development of the most advanced Keyword driven marketplace built online to date. In purchasing SAB Units Members will receive $25 in keyword dollars at hitcrawler.com, $20 in ad dollars at hitcrawler.net and additionally as a thank you we pay 25% of all Keyword Trading net profits to our member base.

SearchAdBrokers.com is a multiple source revenue system. First is through the Key Word trading network at hitcrawler.com and second is from our the internal commission structure in SAB.

Income Structure Part 1Once HitCrawler.com is fully developed SAB members will be the first in the system buying and selling keywords, this advantage alone is going to set you up for an impressive income. In addition to that every trade or sale you make in Our Key Word marketplace will earn you money in the end, as a SAB member you are going to receive 25% of the net profits divided between the network equally.

This is an RESIDUAL INCOME based on the organic sales of tens of thousands of keywords
and phrases.

Being active in the system is going to earn you money in Word value as well as for doing
the work through our partnership with HitCrawler.com

We are only allowing 18,000 partner units to make sure we don't spread our partner pool
too thin. This is the required target we have to hit in order to ensure the budget needed for
Servers,development, Branding, Marketing and advertising.

As in any business the only place it will run it's self is into the ground. It is imperative that
we do this right. We are not planning an extended development phase where member
have to wait over a year to see active development in our system. There will be no promises
of snapshots and advertiser to ensure your earnings. You are earning from the second we
launch and thedevelopment will be completed at that time.

Income Structure Part 2
Now Lets talk about the second income structure inside SearchAdBrokers.com
First off we want to explain the purpose of SearchAdBrokers.com. With hitcrawler.com
startdevelopment in the next few weeks we were contracted to recruit owners to help
offsetthe cost of development.

This will help fund an extensive development initiative unlike you have ever seen Where
some engines went on their personal development abilities HC.com is reaching out.
We already have a team of developers working on the specifications and from here is
looks fantastic SAB members will be earning commissions pre selling HC Bucks and
HitCrawler.net advertising credits.

What you receive for your purchase is a place in the comission pool as well as $25
Keyword Dollars at HitCrawler.com and $20.00 in advertising credits at hitcrawler.net.

Be sure of this the product you are buying is Advertising and Keyword Dollars, you
entry intothe profit pool is our way of thanking you for helping fund this development.


There is also a 10 Tier Unlimited Width compensation
plan for the marketers that help get this party started.

Earn ADDITIONALLY $2.50 per profit unit you help 
us get the word out about a total of TEN LEVELS DEEP
With no limitations on width. So your earning potential

We see 100 opportunities come and go every day and
we fall victim to many different things designed to
fail, but with this opportunity with TextAdBrokers.com
You have the chance to be part of something amazing
I sincerely hope you see the vision in this and
decide to join my team.

My Commission Proof!